Women-only passenger cars (女性専用車両)
Jeden Tag benutzen weit mehr als 5 Millionen Leute die Subway in Tokyo. Besonders in der Rush Hour bekommt man das mehr als zu spüren. Zur Rush Hour fahren die Züge mit 300%iger Auslastung und die berühmten Bahnbediensteten mit ihren weissen Handschuhen pressen auch noch den letzten Fahrgast in das Abteil. Leider missfaellt nicht jedem Fahrgast diese Koerpernahe, oft zum Leid der Frauen. Um diesen Belaestigungen Abhilfe zu schaffen, wurden Frauenwagons eingefuehrt, was soviel heisst, dass gewisse Abteile zur Rush Hour nur fuer Frauen reserviert sind.
"Several railway companies in Tokyo and the city's subway offered women-only cars on Monday, part of the Japanese capital's effort to try to prevent the groping of female passengers.
Nine private railways in Tokyo's metropolitan area and the Tokyo Metropolitan Subway system will offer the women-only cars during the morning rush hour.
Police monitored the cars to prevent men from sneaking inside.
Female passengers get off a "women only" car of a subway train at a Tokyo station Monday. (AP photo)A Tokyo survey recently showed two-thirds of women aged 20 to 40 said they had been inappropriately touched while riding the subway cars.
The number of reported gropings and sexual assaults on Japanese trains was 2,201 in 2004, the highest on record. " CBC news 9. May, 2005
Nine private railways in Tokyo's metropolitan area and the Tokyo Metropolitan Subway system will offer the women-only cars during the morning rush hour.
Police monitored the cars to prevent men from sneaking inside.
Female passengers get off a "women only" car of a subway train at a Tokyo station Monday. (AP photo)A Tokyo survey recently showed two-thirds of women aged 20 to 40 said they had been inappropriately touched while riding the subway cars.
The number of reported gropings and sexual assaults on Japanese trains was 2,201 in 2004, the highest on record. " CBC news 9. May, 2005
also ich sehe hier nichts.... dabei würde mich ein beitrag mit diesem titel als autofan doch sehr interessieren. ;-) hoffentlich kommt noch was!
grüsse aus dem schwülen zürich
amade.ch, at 9:12 PM
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